When Green Pastures are a Mirage: Ep. 2148 Full Hour from Crystal Cathedral Ministries on Vimeo . Music Guest - CCHS Chamber Singers, "Espiritu de Dios" is a traditional Cuban piece, arranged by Brian Tate. The CCHS Chamber Singers are high school students from the Crystal Cathedral High School. This group is directed by Anna DeLeon. Music Guest - CCA & CCHS Band, "Be Still, My Soul" is a spiritual piece, arranged by Robert W. Smith. The CCA & CCHS Band consist of students ranging from 4th grade through 12th grade, all from the Crystal Cathedral Academy and High School. The band is directed by Marco Mejia. Music Guest - CCA Chorus, "The New 23rd" Composed by Ralph Carmichael. The CCA Chorus consists of students from 4th grade through 8th grade. They are directed by Carol Aspling and are from the Crystal Cathedral Academy. Interview Guest - Ginny Dent Brant is the daughter of Harry Dent, a man who held the position of special counsel and ...
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