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Pray without ceasing for the tragic results of the earthquake in Japan | Ahmadineyad considera que una intervención militar extranjera en Libia empeoraría la situación

Entrevista a Mahmud Ahmadineyad, presidente de Irán. Please pray without ceasing for the tragic



 results of the earthquake in Japan.


















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Religion News Service

Submitted by http://www.nabconference.org/featured on March 11, 2011 AD

The following is a portion from e-mails received from seven of 11 baptist missionaries in Japan:

from Shan Reed, "Thank you for all of your prayers and messages. Here in Osaka we are quite far from the affected area. All of the NAB missionaries are safe. We are seeing scenes of the destruction on TV. They are also showing helicopters flying around rescuing people trapped in/on buildings. Please continue to pray with us. Pray for our interactions with people, that we will be able to share God's unchanging love. I am grateful for each of you! Soli Deo Gloria"

from Carol Potratz, “I and my fellow missionaries are OK here in Japan after the big earthquake! I was at home studying for a class when the earthquake hit...but then, when it was stable, walked to the Center, went with Becky (Lengefeld) to file my taxes and then back to the center to teach. SO, I couldn't get a message off to everyone right away...THANKS for your concern and love for us...we are sensing the presence of the Lord. Thank you for your prayers and continue to PRAY for Japan !! Aftershocks continue....soo, thanks MUCH for continued prayer!!"

from Becky Lengefeld, "Thank you so much for your prayers. As you have most likely already heard, there was a 8.8 M earthquake off the coast of Japan this afternoon. This caused huge tsunamis along the coasts of Japan and so far there have been 61 fatalities and 244 injured. I felt the earthquake here in Mie as well, but we are praising God that there was not much damage in our area. The northern regions and Tokyo areas have had major damage, both from the quake and tsunamis. All of our NAB missionaries here are safe. Please pray that those who lost loved ones and/or homes would be comforted and that those who need help would be rescued soon. Thank you so much for your concern! I just wanted to let you know we're doing fine!"

from Ron and Joan Stoller, "We are OK here in Japan after the big earthquake. Joan was at church teaching a class when the earthquake hit. Ron was in the car driving after his dentist appointment and never felt a thing! We couldn't get a message off to everyone right away but we came home between classes and finally are getting to a message to you now. The 8.9 earthquake was terrible especially in northern Japan. Tokyo got hit badly, too! Joan’s sister and family live there and they said it shook for a half an hour--about a 5 there and they sat under the dining room table for awhile praying. The most damage is coming from tsunami--which are still coming in. Joan was at church teaching an English class and we only got a magnitude 3 but the building shook and rolled for about 2 minutes so we went outside to be safe. Students started calling their family members up north. The earthquake was at 2:46 PM. At 3 there was a Bible study planned and ALL of the students decided to stay for the Bible study, though we had the TV on with the volume low in the background. It was a GOOD opportunity to talk about God!! Some places are without electricity in Tokyo. Many trains are stopped. Roads are closed. Fires in many places. Tsunami keep coming. We live on a hill so are safe but they keep predicting more tsunami for this area. Thank you for your prayers and continue to PRAY for Japan!! Aftershocks continue."

from Paul & Melissa Ewing & Sons: Noah, Jonah & Elijah (on Elijah's sixth birthday March 11, 2011). "Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts during this time. We are safe here in Osaka. The earthquake(s) have hit the northern regions of the main island of Japan, with tsunami waves following. Information is still coming in, but there are many who are missing and have passed away. Please be in prayer for all the families who have been affected by this tragedy. Pray that the Christian community will be able to fill in the gap and a Spiritual revival will happen. Thank you so much for your love and concern."

Click here for an Interactive map of Japan from CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2011/japan.quake/map/?hpt=T1

NAB Missionaries in Japan regions:

Osaka: Ewings , Woykes and Shan Reed

Mie Ken (near Osaka): Amber Carpenter, Becky Lengefeld and Carol Potratz

Tokoname: Stollers

Kyoto: Yuri Nakano (Yuri is moving March 15 to Osaka)

Bill and Luci Lengefeld are home in USA, having completed over 34 years service in Japan and are now traveling on Home Assignment to visit their supporting churches.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18).

Let us be diligent in our prayers and support for the survivors. We are praying to the God of all creation, Who loves each one affected. He is Lord and allows even the most tragic of circumstances to lead us to faith and trust in Him.

For more information on how you can help with a donation please click on this link: http://www.nabconference.org/news/providing-relief-japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-disaster

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