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Anderson Cooper Attacked, Punched In The Head By Pro-Mubarak Mob In Egypt

Desafio: Festival juvenil “Nick Rocks”

Queres ganhar um convite familiar, para o primeiro grande festival de música pensado para os jovens (dos 5 aos 18)?

   EXTRA: Watch christian Amy Ortega on YouTube talking about her experience in YG'08 Nashville USA and motivating people to attend YG'11 OVERFLOW youth event in Orange County, California,    USA! http://www.nabconference.org/news/video-testimony-amy-youtube-about-yg11

YG'11 Featured Bands

Hawk Nelson

Hawk Nelson has certainly made a lot of positive noise since first joining together in Ontario. The quartet was named Favorite New Artist by the readers of CCM magazine in 2004, won a GMA Canada Covenant Award for its second album in 2006, and earned a GRAMMY nomination in 2008. And like all good students of life, Daniel Biro (bass) and his band mates Jason Dunn (vocals), Jonathan Steingard (guitar), and Justin Benner (drums) have not stopped learning or growing. "We believe that loving and changing this world has to come from all of us," says Biro. "God has given us hearts, so let's open up and use them." This idea is reflected in Hawk Nelson's compassionate work with Ronald McDonald House Charities, orphans in Haiti, and TOMS (providing shoes to needy children worldwide). Be on the look-out for Hawk Nelson's 5th CD release in early 2011.

Jacob's Well Band

Jacob's Well Band is the in-house band

for a contemporary worship event at

Faith Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN.

Formed in 2009, the band comes from a

variety of musical backgrounds and life

experiences, finding unity in their love for

Christ and people and their passion to

share life and Jesus with others. Jacob's

Well band enthusiastically lead others

into authentic worship of the Creator

while fusing influences of jazz, gospel,

pop, folk, and rock into well-known

worship songs.


G-Vo (Rajeev Nandakumaran) was born in the war-torn region of Jaffna, Sri Lanka on February 23, 1984. His family was forced to flee their native country amidst the ethnic war that has plagued Sri Lanka for over 5 decades. They landed in the Unites States when G-Vo was almost 2 years of age. Pasadena, CA became the launching pad of the John Baptist movement. A singer, rapper, songwriter and producer, G-Vo grew up singing in choir and writing simple tunes on the piano. He saw music as a primary way to relate to his Creator, and fell in love with music as far back as he can remember.

Steven Peters Band

Steven Peters grooves with a team of musicians who mix musical genres of rock, techno, pop, and world music to breakthrough the definition of "worship music." The band expands people's experience with God by bringing their audience into an honest place, where they dialogue struggles, hopes, disappointments, fears, and celebrations through song. With this fresh approach to worship, the team is reaching the next generation and beyond.

The Skit People
Unlike other unmentioned drama kings, The Skit People prefer a politically correct title to describe their sole array of talents and skills. These men and women - these people, if you will - have been a part of dramatic situations ever since birth. In all seriousness, these young Christ-followers are committed to walking with the Lord and seek to inspire their peers to pursue Jesus passionately through messages they share through sketches of varying type, genre, and subject area.

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La vida de un grupo de jóvenes indigentes en Ucrania bigpicture.ru/?p=73724 por EstrellaDeQueso hace 6 horas 32 minutos, publicado hace 5 horas 5 minutos Impactantes imágenes que muestran el estilo de vida de un grupo de adolescentes sin hogar en un sótano de Odesa, en Ucrania. Relacionada: meneame.net/story/ninos-de-las-calles-ucranianas Web del autor: davidgillanders.com/ El trabajo infantil en la fábrica de ladrillos de Kabul www.zimbio.com/pictures/pglHvj91mPI/Children+Work+Kabul+Bric... por EstrellaDeQueso hace 5 días 1 hora 33 minutos

REVELAÇÃO JÁ ACONTECEU! (O Apocalipse já aconteceu! Analisem os Factos [Sucessos]!)

Parte II ESKUP   Fonte deste estudo:  http://exegeseoriginal.blogspot.com.br/ A BESTA Feras de Daniel Pregam mil teorias por ai sobre quem será a besta. Das mais coerentes até as mais malucas.  A besta que surge do mar descrita por João em apocalipse 13 é a mesma quarta fera que Daniel descreve em Daniel 7 . Apesar de muitos acharem que a besta será o papa, as nações unidas, um bloco economico etc.... A besta já veio. Basta analisarmos o livro do Apocalipse e a sua linguagem simbólica em conjunto com o livro de Daniel. Daniel 7 relata uma visão que o Eterno concedeu a Daniel sobre os quatro reinos que iriam dominar o mundo. Vou me focar no quarto reino, mas antes irei dar uma breve analisada nos três reinos anteriores. 1º Reino -  Leão que possuía asas de águia. = Representa o primeiro reino que governou o mundo conhecido da época,  Babilónia  cujo rei mais "famoso" foi Nabucodonosor, as asas de águia representam grande rapidez de conquista. 2º Re

Pedigree ou genealogia de Yeshua (Yeshu) ben Yossef de Nazareth

http://m.arautos.org/artigo/72678/Santa-Monica–mae-de-Santo-Agostinho.html Santa Mónica ( http://www.cmjornal.pt/pesquisa/?q=Culto+dos+mortos ) totalmente desapegada de tudo e feliz por ver a sua família inteira dentro ou sendo centelhas do Massiach - Adam Kadmon/Adam Harishon. que tanto amava, Santa Mónica expressou assim o seu último desejo aos seus filhos: “Enterrai este corpo em qualquer parte e não vos preocupeis com ele. Só vos peço que vos lembreis de mim diante do altar de Yeshu, onde quer que estejais.” (Confissões; IX-11) https://www.google.pt/?fpdoodle=1&doodle=28464230&hl=pt-PT&nord=1 🎦🎦 http://bloguedominho.blogs.sapo.pt/tag/etnologia “”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“ 1) https://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/genealogie-benjamins-poppes/I6003.php 2) https://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/genealogie-benjamins-poppes/kwartierstaat.php?id=I6003 3)Filhos de Yeshu:  http://www.elishean.fr/sarah-damaris-la-fille-de-jesus