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Why The Rapture Must Happen This Year - 2017 AD

1. From Israel re-establishing itself as a nation in 1947 to the year of 2017 is a full 50 year Jubilee period.

2. The sign of Revelation 12 is due to appear in the heaven (or space) in September of 2017

3. It is said that the Hebrew calendar is a full month off. Supposedly, Rosh Hashana (the Feast of Trumpets) falls on October 3rd this year. But if the Hebrew calendar is a full month off then Rosh Hashana will instead begin on September 4th at sundown. Tonight (September 3rd) will reveal the first sliver of light from the new moon, which is what the Jewish witnesses in Israel look for to declare the celebration of Rosh Hashana.

4. If September of this year is in fact the month of Tishrei, the month of the feasts...on September 16th, which would be officially the celebration of Sukkot (the Day of Atonement), we will see our last and final blood moon of the blood moons that fall on either Sukkot or Passover. There will not be another lunar eclipse to fall on these feast days for a long time to come. 

5. Rosh Hashana is the first day of the Hebrew New Year and that means that on Rosh Hashana, the calendar will officially change from 2016 to 2017. If you haven't figured out what I'm saying yet, let me make it clear. If this month (September) is the real and official month of the feasts and if on September 4th we are officially going in to the 2017 year, then that means the Jubilee period has officially come to completion and the sign of Revelation 12 will not appear in the heaven next September, but this September. 

On September 1st we saw a total solar eclipse and on September 16th, we will see our last blood moon of Sukkot. This begs the question, after these eclipses, will we see the opening of the sixth seal and the rapture? I'm not date setting, I'm just following the signs. These signs are like a road map revealing our destination. 
Because I had a dream and the dream I had was a rapture dream, I now also believe that He was telling me the rapture will happen during my time working for .... We're in that season! That time has come. I haven't been able to sleep for two days. I'm so excited and you should be too. 

Ask God for confirmation in this. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day. Shalom!

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