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Women bishops: Church of England synod vote - live coverage

'In G_d's name, say Yes.'
 My stories and comment

  • ‎11.38am GMT

    Lorna Ashworth of Chichester asks what will happen to the conservative evangelicals if the measure passes.

    People of her theological conviction are being told they are not welcome, she says.

    11.36am GMT
    The Bishop of Salisbury, Nick Holtam, says he would have voted no in 1992 when the synod backed female priests. He would have felt that a clear decision was needed – "and I would have been wrong".

    Female priests have been a success, he says.

    Female bishops are wanted by the church at large. We must vote yes even if we feel there are doubts and the legislation is "hedged around", he says. "The compromise is a good one for all of us."

  •  Rev Janet Appleby of Newcastle says the synod members have more in common than that which divides them.

    • The trouble is our disagreement is absolute - either a woman can be a bishop, or she cannot.

      But "this measure is, I believe, the best compromise 
      we can possibly find".

      To say no today is to say we are not able to use trust and respect to work out our differences ... so please vote yes today.

      11.30am GMT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Canon David Holding says that Rowan Williams taught him a long time ago that "there is no right answer - we are all right".

      Holding says "a code of practice will not do". A code of practice cannot enshrine theological conviction. The legislation has to be clear, or a code of practice won't work, he says. "We have reached an impasse ... but we are where we are."

      We need to pray that God will bring us to a consensus, he says.

      Shouldn't we wait instead of rushing to vote on divisive legislation that purports to offer provision to a minority, but does not satisfy "one member" of that minority, he asks.

      11.26am GMT...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      Jones says the truth is that without women in leadership we are no longer able to serve the parishes of England.

      He has sought to honour the place of Catholics and evangelicals, he says. But he now believes it is right for women to take their place "in this house of bishops sitting before you now".

      11.20am GMT.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      The Bishop of Liverpool, James Jones, speaks next. He says if the future of the Church of England is at stake, the future of England is at stake too.

      He says the church would collapse if all the female priests in place now were to be somehow removed.

      But he understands the theological position barring women from any leadership roles in the church - even from being part of the General Synod.

      He used to believe this himself, according to 1 Corinthians 11:3:

      But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

      But he came to realise he was wrong. After all, the Queen is head of the Church of England, he says.

      And a woman first fed the body of Christ, he says. "If a woman can feed the body of Christ in the flesh, she can surely feed the body of Christ in the spirit."

      11.18am GMT............................................................................................................................................................
      Rachel Treweek, the Archdeacon of Hackney, says the measure as it stands is "not perfect for any of us. It's a compromise for all. And that's how it should be."

      11.10am GMT
      Lizzy Davies tells me tweeting is only banned for members of public – but they can still "tweet from the tea room", a spokesman has told her.

  • With all my capacity I encourage you to discover who you really are. I invite you to look beyond the daily routine of life. I urge you to discern through the Spirit your divinely given capacities. I exhort you to prayerfully make worthy choices that will lead you to realize your full potential.

    You are of a singular generation with exceptional potential. No wonder Satan wants to cripple that potential by tempting you to violate the laws of God. He knows that he has no power over a righteous individual. Yet he is a master at making sin appealing to the undecided.

    Remain worthy. When you really understand who you are, it is not difficult to resist Satan’s temptations. Then he can’t thwart the development of your true potential.

  • The debate has begun. Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester, spoke said that rejecting the idea of female bishops would be a "devastating blow to the morale of many, not least our female clergy".

    Anglo-Catholic Simon Kilwick spoke to say he thought the measure would be bad for the Church of England, Anglo-Catholics and conservative evangelicals.

    He said "proper provision for traditionalists has to be an essential ingredient of a new measure" and said this measure was "not fit for purpose".

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